“Tapas is the inner ardour of the mind ...
the flame that passes covertly or overtly through everything.”
– Roberto Calasso
The methodology of yoga
瑜伽是一個練習的傳統, 練習的核心是經驗現在當下. 研讀瑜伽經典給予觀照思緒和情緒的基礎. 來回重複練習與學習逐漸給予將經驗組織化的架構 這樣的過程逐漸地敏銳化我們關注力, 擴展覺知”網子”的範圍覺察到感知的瞬間形成其實是經由身體心裡的印記.
The nature of the practice of yoga is unequivocally direct and immediate. In the study of yoga, however, we inquired into what is experienced in order to reveal the ground that allows for experiencing. The process of practice sharpens our capacity to hold attention and expand the container of our awareness.
練習總是會薈萃在當下, 練習的過程塑造練習者, 練習者是消化跟接受練習的容器. 在綿長不間斷的練習過程中, 練習者逐漸成為瑜珈傳統流傳的管道.
The practice of yoga always constellates in the present. The practice shapes the practitioner. The practitioner, the vessel that receives and digests the practice, becomes the conduit of the tradition of the Yoga practice.
My vision of the practice
我對瑜珈的遠景展望, 是我20多年的瑜珈練習及學習匯集的萃取沉澱. 萃取沉澱是一個淨化而提煉的過程, 那樣的過程方式是「加熱」跟「冷卻」.
My vision of Yoga is the distillation of my close to twenty years of study and practice. Distillation is a purifying process by way of heating and cooling.
加熱是形容燒烤、沸騰:即練習者被反覆練習的強烈度燒烤跟沸騰. 全方位練習包括身、體、心理;以及依照傳承智慧的梵文經典文獻內所指引內在修習方法觀照;還有保持好奇探索的初心, 連結現代醫學對身體生化層次新發現 (尤其是筋膜在我們移動跟感受的過程中扮演的角色), 在練習中開展新氣象.
This analogy could not be more apt. “Heating” describes the “baking” and “boiling” by the intensity of practice in its comprehensive form – the physical, somatic and psychical, the inner contemplation guided by the Sanskrit textual source as well the continuing exploration of what the modern science has uncovered about the body – particularly the role of fascia in how we feel and move.
冷卻所指的是凝結的結果, 凝結是漸進式但果斷的持續發生. 在我們經過瑜伽之火修煉的過程裡, “冷卻“是瑜伽練習塑造我們對人生的視野,也直接影響我們在這個世界的存在現實.
Cooling delineates the coagulating that occurs gradually yet decidedly over time, as we undergo the process of transformation by the fire of Yoga. It directly shapes our horizon and impacts our way of being in this world.
“真正獲得知識的途徑是實驗”- William Blake
“The truth method of knowledge is experiment”
My teaching philosophy and method 教學哲學與方式
“動”是我們身體必須的一個養分, 並不只是一個要故意去“做”的事情, 藉著它來得到另外一個什麼, 或是一個表演的工具. 移動, 是我們自然天性的表達以及創造、耕耘我們與環境關係的一個基礎;「動」無法與我們經驗性現實分隔開
Movement is a necessary “nutrient” of our body. It is not just a thing to do so that we gain some other thing or a performance tool. Movement is our expression and a foundation for us to create and grow the relationship with our environment. It is inseparable from our empirical reality.
我的教學基礎來自於我對人身及「動」多元化層次的熱忱探索, 尤其筋膜在我們移動的模式塑造, 以及神經系統感知器官的啟動跟參與的角色.
My teaching is informed by my passion of exploration the depth and scope of movement in the context to engage the sensation faculty and how the bi-directional shaping of movement and bodily reality.
瑜珈的正位或順位規則並不是一個要將身體擠壓進去的僵硬架構. 在課堂上裡我帶領學生在他/她自己的“動“的模式建立一個contextual frame前後關係. 以鼓勵實驗及探索我們本體感受跟內在感受的方式來喚醒神經感知網路. 換句話說, 我的教學方式, 是一種整理跟甦醒神經系統感受的功能, 用「動」來條理化以及導航神經系統感受的功能.
Alignment is not a fixed structure to adhere. In moving, I try to build a frame grounded in anatomical knowledge but guided by encouraging and exploring proprioception and interoception in students. In other words, my language as expressed in teaching serves an organizing and guiding function as felt in the students by way of moving.
“從當下所在開始, 在「所在地」成形後,「形」會呼喚其「中心」. 那個中心就是我們心之火.”
“Start from the place where we are, once formed, a frame evokes a center. And that’s the fire of our mind.”
Attention is, in essence, love.
in Yoga Rachel