Radiant Prāṇa –夏日瑜伽靜修營 Summer Yoga Retreat with Rachel

Radiant Prāṇa –夏日瑜伽靜修營 Summer Yoga Retreatwith Rachel

Radiant Prāṇa –夏日瑜伽靜修營
with Rachel

2023 5/21 – 5/27
泰國蘇梅島 Absolute Sanctuary, Koh Samui, Thailand

今年夏季, 給自己一個時空, 
放下城市生活繁忙的步調和模式. 每日早晨藉著練習探索皮膚經膜脈絡,
洗滌覺知; 品嚐新鮮健康的美食; 看書/發呆, 及經驗當地親近大地的生活作息.

在這個不需匆忙趕路的時空, 身體如在陽光微風下開展的葉子 - 呼吸、觀照思索、放鬆、整合. 為自己排毒、充電、滋潤.

Retreat 的意義是從慣常的生活環境及作息模式裡釋放出來. 讓身心交給 retreat 的空間時間,細細品嚐經驗. 這是個洗滌、過濾、和滋潤的過程. 在靜修營結束時我們的身心有一種清晰、諧和以及活力, 帶著一個潔淨過後更整合平穩的自己回到我們生活中繼續展現我們的創造力和擴展生活格局.

This summer, give yourself permission to leave behind the humdrum of busy rhythm and repetitive patterns. Come to Koh Samui to experience a new kind of space and time. We start the day with a exploration of breath and movement, to awaken the body and to enrich our sensations.

Following a satisfying morning practice, we nourish the taste buds and our body with mouthwatering food.

Right here there is no need to rush, the body unfurls like a delicate leaf soaking up the sunshine, the air and the delicious food. You are free to just breath and be, or practice paying attention to the sense as they absorb what the program has to offer, or read to relax or challenge the mind.

Retreat is a deliberate disengagement of our ordinary living rhythm. At the end of it, there is a new kind of clarity, harmony and vitality. We go back to our regular life in a restored and balanced center..


靜修營中每天有3個練習, 其設計是重新連結身體自然的荷爾蒙內分泌系統的韻律,恢復身體內在自然平衡與和諧的機能.
在「動」的練習裡面我們會舒張解開肌肉與筋膜、以及滋潤我們的器官, 在調息練習中 體會氣、注意力及覺知不可分別的關係. 黃昏“陰”瑜伽練習紓解筋膜關節/韌帶, 以及引導參加者觀照身體跟大腦及心智的呼應. 講座引導同學認識瑜伽練習傳統後的深刻思想基礎, 培養妳/你對於個人經驗現實觀照的能力.

There are 3 sessions. It is designed to restore our endocrine/nervous connection, called circadian rhythm, with the natural day. Modern life is full of stressors, impacting our physiological functions.

The morning session is focused on muscle and fascia training, coupled with specific spinal/pelvicr organ/system focus each day

The late afternoon practice may focused more on the liaement/joint as well as restorative effect of long-held poses. Some session will also be lectures to introduce the foundation of the method yoga with aim to aid your observation of your own body/mind.

We end the day with gentle sitting, allowing all that occurs during the day settle and nourish our sense of self, sense of being.

深度覺知之旅是一個內在的豐富對話, 讓我們可以探索、消化、以及整合我們的現實跟經驗.


終極的”動”是意識與覺察. 只要能帶著專注力, 就能從”動”中得到淨化, 而體會五感完整豐盛呈獻覺知的能力, 會提高內在意識的層次與細緻. 也就是說, 我們深入感受的能力, 能幫助我們從經驗和情緒得到成長, 內心更平靜、滿足、完整的關鍵.

All in all, this retreat is a chance to immerse in the inseparable  relationship between breath and movement.

Our breath flows, as water flows in channels and cannels. Our sensations move through the biological matrix built by fascia network. Where there is feeling, there is neuro connection.

Such practice is on its own, healing and rejuvenating to our body/brain connection. Its subtle effect is a sense of wholeness


“我們是以內在外在如波浪一般、綿綿不斷的感覺/覺知組合來知道「我」是我 ”
“We recognize ourselves in the waves of sensation.”- Stanley Keleman

感覺和認知相互交織成一體, 兩者合成呈現為我們的心思,念頭, 想法和情緒.

哈達瑜伽的系統培養駕馭我們思緒, 心智的移動, 以訓練 prāṇa , 也就是氣息和感覺的運作為途徑. 尤其是體位法和調息法的練習, 就是在磨煉練習者對 prāṇa 覺知敏感度, prāṇa 的變動映照著意識的波動.

Sensation and perceptions are intertwined. Together, they manifest as thought, ideas, feelings and emotions.

In the Haṭha Yoga tradition, we follow the movement of prāṇa, as breath and sensations, in order to train and harness the movements of thoughts/mind. The practice of āsana and prāṇāyāma specifically cultivates the sensitivity of the prāṇa, which is movement and consciousness.


 Daily schedule: 

08:00-09:30am   Morning practice (晨練)
09:30-10:30am   Breakfast (早餐)
01:00-02:00pm   Lunch (午餐)
05:00-06:00pm   Restorative yoga/fascia release/lecture (復原瑜伽/經膜釋放/講座)
06:30-07:30pm   Dinner (晚餐)
08:00-08:45pm   Sitting (靜坐觀照)

雙人房 US$235 每晚 / 單人房 US$295 每晚
(5/21 -  5/27. 5/22抵達 5/27 離開)

Double room US$235 Per night / Double room US$295 Per night
(5/21 -  5/27. Arrive 5/22  Depart 5/27)

 費用包括 Daily fee includes 
五星級住宿Absolute Sanctuary度假村 
- 機場來回接送
- 美味精緻三餐
- 每日3堂課程

- 5 star accommodation Absolute Sanctuary
- Airport transfer both ways
- 3 meals daily
- 3 practices daily

 自理 Self manage 
☑️ 機票 Flight ticket  ☑️ 簽證 Visa

*期間會安排團體活動 費用另計 可自由參加
*There might be additional group activities. Participants may choose to join or enjoy own free time.


?Contact mail:RachelTsaiYoga@gmail.com

Radiant Prāṇa –夏日瑜伽靜修營 Summer Yoga Retreat with Rachel

Radiant Prāṇa –夏日瑜伽靜修營 Summer Yoga Retreatwith Rachel

Radiant Prāṇa –夏日瑜伽靜修營
with Rachel

2023 5/21 – 5/27
泰國蘇梅島 Absolute Sanctuary, Koh Samui, Thailand

今年夏季, 給自己一個時空, 
放下城市生活繁忙的步調和模式. 每日早晨藉著練習探索皮膚經膜脈絡,
洗滌覺知; 品嚐新鮮健康的美食; 看書/發呆, 及經驗當地親近大地的生活作息.

在這個不需匆忙趕路的時空, 身體如在陽光微風下開展的葉子 - 呼吸、觀照思索、放鬆、整合. 為自己排毒、充電、滋潤.

Retreat 的意義是從慣常的生活環境及作息模式裡釋放出來. 讓身心交給 retreat 的空間時間,細細品嚐經驗. 這是個洗滌、過濾、和滋潤的過程. 在靜修營結束時我們的身心有一種清晰、諧和以及活力, 帶著一個潔淨過後更整合平穩的自己回到我們生活中繼續展現我們的創造力和擴展生活格局.

This summer, give yourself permission to leave behind the humdrum of busy rhythm and repetitive patterns. Come to Koh Samui to experience a new kind of space and time. We start the day with a exploration of breath and movement, to awaken the body and to enrich our sensations.

Following a satisfying morning practice, we nourish the taste buds and our body with mouthwatering food.

Right here there is no need to rush, the body unfurls like a delicate leaf soaking up the sunshine, the air and the delicious food. You are free to just breath and be, or practice paying attention to the sense as they absorb what the program has to offer, or read to relax or challenge the mind.

Retreat is a deliberate disengagement of our ordinary living rhythm. At the end of it, there is a new kind of clarity, harmony and vitality. We go back to our regular life in a restored and balanced center..


靜修營中每天有3個練習, 其設計是重新連結身體自然的荷爾蒙內分泌系統的韻律,恢復身體內在自然平衡與和諧的機能.
在「動」的練習裡面我們會舒張解開肌肉與筋膜、以及滋潤我們的器官, 在調息練習中 體會氣、注意力及覺知不可分別的關係. 黃昏“陰”瑜伽練習紓解筋膜關節/韌帶, 以及引導參加者觀照身體跟大腦及心智的呼應. 講座引導同學認識瑜伽練習傳統後的深刻思想基礎, 培養妳/你對於個人經驗現實觀照的能力.

There are 3 sessions. It is designed to restore our endocrine/nervous connection, called circadian rhythm, with the natural day. Modern life is full of stressors, impacting our physiological functions.

The morning session is focused on muscle and fascia training, coupled with specific spinal/pelvicr organ/system focus each day

The late afternoon practice may focused more on the liaement/joint as well as restorative effect of long-held poses. Some session will also be lectures to introduce the foundation of the method yoga with aim to aid your observation of your own body/mind.

We end the day with gentle sitting, allowing all that occurs during the day settle and nourish our sense of self, sense of being.

深度覺知之旅是一個內在的豐富對話, 讓我們可以探索、消化、以及整合我們的現實跟經驗.


終極的”動”是意識與覺察. 只要能帶著專注力, 就能從”動”中得到淨化, 而體會五感完整豐盛呈獻覺知的能力, 會提高內在意識的層次與細緻. 也就是說, 我們深入感受的能力, 能幫助我們從經驗和情緒得到成長, 內心更平靜、滿足、完整的關鍵.

All in all, this retreat is a chance to immerse in the inseparable  relationship between breath and movement.

Our breath flows, as water flows in channels and cannels. Our sensations move through the biological matrix built by fascia network. Where there is feeling, there is neuro connection.

Such practice is on its own, healing and rejuvenating to our body/brain connection. Its subtle effect is a sense of wholeness


“我們是以內在外在如波浪一般、綿綿不斷的感覺/覺知組合來知道「我」是我 ”
“We recognize ourselves in the waves of sensation.”- Stanley Keleman

感覺和認知相互交織成一體, 兩者合成呈現為我們的心思,念頭, 想法和情緒.

哈達瑜伽的系統培養駕馭我們思緒, 心智的移動, 以訓練 prāṇa , 也就是氣息和感覺的運作為途徑. 尤其是體位法和調息法的練習, 就是在磨煉練習者對 prāṇa 覺知敏感度, prāṇa 的變動映照著意識的波動.

Sensation and perceptions are intertwined. Together, they manifest as thought, ideas, feelings and emotions.

In the Haṭha Yoga tradition, we follow the movement of prāṇa, as breath and sensations, in order to train and harness the movements of thoughts/mind. The practice of āsana and prāṇāyāma specifically cultivates the sensitivity of the prāṇa, which is movement and consciousness.


 Daily schedule: 

08:00-09:30am   Morning practice (晨練)
09:30-10:30am   Breakfast (早餐)
01:00-02:00pm   Lunch (午餐)
05:00-06:00pm   Restorative yoga/fascia release/lecture (復原瑜伽/經膜釋放/講座)
06:30-07:30pm   Dinner (晚餐)
08:00-08:45pm   Sitting (靜坐觀照)

雙人房 US$235 每晚 / 單人房 US$295 每晚
(5/21 -  5/27. 5/22抵達 5/27 離開)

Double room US$235 Per night / Double room US$295 Per night
(5/21 -  5/27. Arrive 5/22  Depart 5/27)

 費用包括 Daily fee includes 
五星級住宿Absolute Sanctuary度假村 
- 機場來回接送
- 美味精緻三餐
- 每日3堂課程

- 5 star accommodation Absolute Sanctuary
- Airport transfer both ways
- 3 meals daily
- 3 practices daily

 自理 Self manage 
☑️ 機票 Flight ticket  ☑️ 簽證 Visa

*期間會安排團體活動 費用另計 可自由參加
*There might be additional group activities. Participants may choose to join or enjoy own free time.


?Contact mail:RachelTsaiYoga@gmail.com

Radiant Prāṇa –夏日瑜伽靜修營 Summer Yoga Retreat with Rachel

Radiant Prāṇa –夏日瑜伽靜修營 Summer Yoga Retreatwith Rachel

Radiant Prāṇa –夏日瑜伽靜修營
with Rachel

2023 5/21 – 5/27
泰國蘇梅島 Absolute Sanctuary, Koh Samui, Thailand

今年夏季, 給自己一個時空, 
放下城市生活繁忙的步調和模式. 每日早晨藉著練習探索皮膚經膜脈絡,
洗滌覺知; 品嚐新鮮健康的美食; 看書/發呆, 及經驗當地親近大地的生活作息.

在這個不需匆忙趕路的時空, 身體如在陽光微風下開展的葉子 - 呼吸、觀照思索、放鬆、整合. 為自己排毒、充電、滋潤.

Retreat 的意義是從慣常的生活環境及作息模式裡釋放出來. 讓身心交給 retreat 的空間時間,細細品嚐經驗. 這是個洗滌、過濾、和滋潤的過程. 在靜修營結束時我們的身心有一種清晰、諧和以及活力, 帶著一個潔淨過後更整合平穩的自己回到我們生活中繼續展現我們的創造力和擴展生活格局.

This summer, give yourself permission to leave behind the humdrum of busy rhythm and repetitive patterns. Come to Koh Samui to experience a new kind of space and time. We start the day with a exploration of breath and movement, to awaken the body and to enrich our sensations.

Following a satisfying morning practice, we nourish the taste buds and our body with mouthwatering food.

Right here there is no need to rush, the body unfurls like a delicate leaf soaking up the sunshine, the air and the delicious food. You are free to just breath and be, or practice paying attention to the sense as they absorb what the program has to offer, or read to relax or challenge the mind.

Retreat is a deliberate disengagement of our ordinary living rhythm. At the end of it, there is a new kind of clarity, harmony and vitality. We go back to our regular life in a restored and balanced center..


靜修營中每天有3個練習, 其設計是重新連結身體自然的荷爾蒙內分泌系統的韻律,恢復身體內在自然平衡與和諧的機能.
在「動」的練習裡面我們會舒張解開肌肉與筋膜、以及滋潤我們的器官, 在調息練習中 體會氣、注意力及覺知不可分別的關係. 黃昏“陰”瑜伽練習紓解筋膜關節/韌帶, 以及引導參加者觀照身體跟大腦及心智的呼應. 講座引導同學認識瑜伽練習傳統後的深刻思想基礎, 培養妳/你對於個人經驗現實觀照的能力.

There are 3 sessions. It is designed to restore our endocrine/nervous connection, called circadian rhythm, with the natural day. Modern life is full of stressors, impacting our physiological functions.

The morning session is focused on muscle and fascia training, coupled with specific spinal/pelvicr organ/system focus each day

The late afternoon practice may focused more on the liaement/joint as well as restorative effect of long-held poses. Some session will also be lectures to introduce the foundation of the method yoga with aim to aid your observation of your own body/mind.

We end the day with gentle sitting, allowing all that occurs during the day settle and nourish our sense of self, sense of being.

深度覺知之旅是一個內在的豐富對話, 讓我們可以探索、消化、以及整合我們的現實跟經驗.


終極的”動”是意識與覺察. 只要能帶著專注力, 就能從”動”中得到淨化, 而體會五感完整豐盛呈獻覺知的能力, 會提高內在意識的層次與細緻. 也就是說, 我們深入感受的能力, 能幫助我們從經驗和情緒得到成長, 內心更平靜、滿足、完整的關鍵.

All in all, this retreat is a chance to immerse in the inseparable  relationship between breath and movement.

Our breath flows, as water flows in channels and cannels. Our sensations move through the biological matrix built by fascia network. Where there is feeling, there is neuro connection.

Such practice is on its own, healing and rejuvenating to our body/brain connection. Its subtle effect is a sense of wholeness


“我們是以內在外在如波浪一般、綿綿不斷的感覺/覺知組合來知道「我」是我 ”
“We recognize ourselves in the waves of sensation.”- Stanley Keleman

感覺和認知相互交織成一體, 兩者合成呈現為我們的心思,念頭, 想法和情緒.

哈達瑜伽的系統培養駕馭我們思緒, 心智的移動, 以訓練 prāṇa , 也就是氣息和感覺的運作為途徑. 尤其是體位法和調息法的練習, 就是在磨煉練習者對 prāṇa 覺知敏感度, prāṇa 的變動映照著意識的波動.

Sensation and perceptions are intertwined. Together, they manifest as thought, ideas, feelings and emotions.

In the Haṭha Yoga tradition, we follow the movement of prāṇa, as breath and sensations, in order to train and harness the movements of thoughts/mind. The practice of āsana and prāṇāyāma specifically cultivates the sensitivity of the prāṇa, which is movement and consciousness.


 Daily schedule: 

08:00-09:30am   Morning practice (晨練)
09:30-10:30am   Breakfast (早餐)
01:00-02:00pm   Lunch (午餐)
05:00-06:00pm   Restorative yoga/fascia release/lecture (復原瑜伽/經膜釋放/講座)
06:30-07:30pm   Dinner (晚餐)
08:00-08:45pm   Sitting (靜坐觀照)

雙人房 US$235 每晚 / 單人房 US$295 每晚
(5/21 -  5/27. 5/22抵達 5/27 離開)

Double room US$235 Per night / Double room US$295 Per night
(5/21 -  5/27. Arrive 5/22  Depart 5/27)

 費用包括 Daily fee includes 
五星級住宿Absolute Sanctuary度假村 
- 機場來回接送
- 美味精緻三餐
- 每日3堂課程

- 5 star accommodation Absolute Sanctuary
- Airport transfer both ways
- 3 meals daily
- 3 practices daily

 自理 Self manage 
☑️ 機票 Flight ticket  ☑️ 簽證 Visa

*期間會安排團體活動 費用另計 可自由參加
*There might be additional group activities. Participants may choose to join or enjoy own free time.


?Contact mail:RachelTsaiYoga@gmail.com